Other Supporters

Update at: 7/11/11

People supporting people

“Fukushima International Media Village “is established for Fukushima Restoration Support. There are many Supporters cooperated closely and helped towards smooth support to our activities.


【 One by One Co., ltd 】

This company promotes many events.The biggest events “Earth Tuning” Music festival on last July and “A New Year Eve” on last December, 2011 was managed by Suzuki san from the company “One by One”.

Other than it, they also promote the recreation that “Let` s play with children of Futaba town” for purpose of child care.


【 Global Community 】

Japanese and Foreigners provide the activities which connect to multicultural of countries all over the world. Foreign staffs collect and edit by themselves on news coverage and deliver the Multilingual WEB-magazine. They provide the event and information on news media with international person someone who transcends his or her nationality.


【 Moritakaya shop 】

”Moritakaya shop” located in front of the Iwaki station, Fukushima. “Moritakaya shop” promotes the victim support activities even despite they were damaged.


【 NPO Wangura 】

Wangura NPO promotes the Victim Support Activities at Iwaki city. “Fukushima International Media Village “was lit up by Wangura for the first time for the event.


【 The Community Living Research Group 】

The Community Living Research Group is the group who think of the “Town planning” that Japanese and foreigners in situation where the local residents, can live together while building a better relationship. They have already approved the purpose of activities of “Fukushima International Media Village”.


【 Japan Property Management Association 】

“Japan Property Management Association”, Tokyo branch members are mainly from the Rental Property Management Companies and agreed our activities. They are more willingly to help and support for our activities.


【 NPO,  Living Japan 】

The event “Outdoor Music Festival for Fukushima Restoration Support – Earth Tuning” was held on August, 2011. NPO, Living Japan streamed it out on Ustream to worldwide.



We truly appreciate all of your time and effort for the events in last year 2011.


We greatly appreciated all of your donations and contribution. Our Supporters are people who have real life experience and want to make real changes. We are proud of them.


Thank you, again.


・ Iwaki Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Iwaki Meisei University

・The Community Living Research Group and Japan Property Management Association


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